RFQ- Facility Master Planner

The objective of the Owner is assistance in updating the facility master plan completed in 2012. The updated plan will address both the short-term and long-term facility needs. The master plan will serve as a “road map” ultimately leading to high performing, 21st century school facilities. (click here for more details).  Learn More

dolores facility use agreement


5/22/2019: Dolores RE-4a Master Plan – DAG Meeting no. 01

[click to view pdf meeting minutes]

Click Here to Download the Facility Use Agreement Form (updated 12/6/2016)

Community groups shall be permitted and encouraged to use school facilities for worthwhile purposes when such uses will not interfere with the school program.   All arrangements shall be subject to the following provisions:

Eligible Organizations

Organizations connected with and promoting recognized school functions may use the buildings without charge.

Other organizationsincluding the Boy Scouts of America, Big Sisters of America, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Future Farmers of America, Girl Scouts of America, Little League Baseball Inc. and any other group intended to serve youth under the age of 21 listed in Title 36 of U.S. Code may use school property upon payment of suitable fees and costs, according to the fee schedule recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Edu­cation.  Rental or fees may be waived for charitable or other nonprofit organizations or groups by the Board.

Whenever a community group is permitted to use a school or other facility, at least one district employee must be on hand, paid for by the organization, when in the opinion of superintendentit is necessary to supervise the individuals and protect school property.  The number of paid employees shall depend on the type of service, number to be served and number of volunteer helpers. The group using the facility shall reimburse the district for the salary of the employee.

No school building or facility shall be used for any purpose which could result in picketing, rioting, disturbing the peace or damage to property or for any purpose prohibited by law.

Rental Charges and Approval of Use

Specific regulations for scheduling outside uses of school facilities shall be drawn up by the superintendent and approved by the Board.  Fees for the use of school facilities shall be determined by the superintendent or designee based upon the rental charges and personnel fees approved by the Board.

All rentals of school facilities shall be approved by the superintendent or desig­nee on the basis of this policy and its accompanying regulations.  Any special re­quests or exception to policy and/or regulations must be approved by the Board.

Any individual, group or organization using school property as provided under this policy shall hold the Board of Education, individual Board members and all district officers, agents and employees free and harmless from any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense that may arise during or be in any way caused by such use or occupancy.                                                                                                         

School facilities shall be available for use by district patrons under the followingconditions:

1.  Any school-related organization desiring use of school facilities shall first get permission from the principal involved.  Use of the lunch room shall not be allowed except by special permission.

2.  Only organizations or groups within the district or those having a substantial number of members residing within the district shall be entitled to use school facilities.

3.  Individuals desiring use of school facilities shall request permission of the administration or the Board.  The fee shall be set by the Board.

4.  Non-school organizations desiring use of school facilities shall:

     a. Have prior administrative or Board approval and be responsible for leaving the facility in proper order.

     b. Not interfere with school activities.

     c. Have someone in the group who is responsible for the proper care of the facility and equipment including cleanliness.

     d. Allow only authorized individuals to use the facility and secure the facility after use.

5.  Any group receiving permission to use school facilities shall have the person responsible sign an agreement with the district.

6.  There shall be no alcoholic beverages in school facilities or on school grounds.

7.  Individuals, groups, and organizations must show proof of satisfactory liability insurance protection, which may include naming the district as additional insured on their policy, before they will be allowed to use school facilities.

Adopted:  June 1986
Revised:  June 2004
LEGAL REF.:      C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(f)
20 U.S.C. 7905 (Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act contained in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001)

CROSS REF.:     EDC, Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials or Equipment
JJA-2, Student Organizations—  Open Forum