August 9, 2024

Dear Dolores Elementary Families,

Thank you for coming to back to school night!  We had a huge turnout and the teachers are so overjoyed to be back with the students.  I saw so many smiling faces and the excitement was contagious!

I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself.  My name is Amanda Hill and I have been teaching in Dolores for the past 10 years.  I have been a classroom teacher, dean of students, Title 1 interventionist, and now the principal.  I know many of you and have taught many of your children, and now I am humbled by your support for this position. I have been in many leadership positions here at Dolores; such as RTI Coordinator, Get Better Faster Instructional Coach, MTSS School Leader, and 504 Coordinator.  With that said, I am still learning and seek constructive feedback to push me to be the best I can be. 

I want everyone to know that my door is always open and I want to encourage you to reach out with any questions, concerns, feedback, or ideas.  I am a firm believer that this is “OUR” school and it takes everyone to make it a success.

We are so excited to see you all on Monday, August 12th to begin our first day of school.  Drop off is from 7:30-8:00 am.  Pick up time for K-2 is 3:45 and for 3-5 is 3:50.  Please use the pick up line if you want (which means stay in your car and kids come to you) or feel free to find parking and join us in the front of the school.  As always, if you have any questions please chat with us in the office or give us a call at 970-882-4688.


Amanda Hill- 

Elementary Principal

970-882-4688 Ext. 3010