How exciting! We actually start school on Monday for the in-person learners. Some of the online students have already begun and some are soon to begin. Please note the following important pieces of information: Our screener app is not working to the degree we are ready to use it on Monday. We are therefore asking […]
Author Archives:
Reminder: Dolores Secondary Will Be Hosting Back to School Parent Meetings Tomorrow Evening 5:00pm – Virtual Meeting – Use the following link to join – 6:00pm – In-Person Middle School Parent Meeting – Dolores Cafeteria – Attendees will be expected to wear a mask and maintain social distancing. 7:00pm – In-Person High School Parent […]
Hi Little Bear Families! Please see our linked “Galloping Gooose” weekly newsletter. We are looking forward to meeting many of you tomorrow for our Back to School day if you are symptom free! Please self-screen before attending in person with information below: Do I have a: fever of 100.4 or higher, cough, shortness of breath […]
The board members will be available between 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. on August 28 to meet our parents and students. This will take place outside of the cafeteria and the high school. Please see the link below for more details: Coffee and Cookies
Please see the link below for important orientation information: DHS Orientation Flyer
Please see the attached flier with important information: DMS Orientation Flyer
Elementary School Supplies 20-21 Learning Options Flier Transportation Letter 20200817 August 2020 Please see the following opportunities for family engagement in the start-up process: Wednesday, August 19 – Thursday, August 20 – Preschool Home Visits Monday, August 24 Preschool First Day Middle School Orientation for Students (watch for staggered schedule) 8:30 a.m. – noon Tuesday, […]
Please see the attached update for the supplies needed for secondary students. The schedule for the orientation is also attached. Supply list and schedule
Important Updates: If you are able, we are asking our families to please drive your children to school. This will help us with the requirements on our buses this year. If you have NOT already emailed your need for transportation, please do so today. You may email and respond with: Student Name Grade Entering […]
The Dolores School District board met last night for their regular monthly meeting. Below are highlights from the meeting: The board took a moment to recognize the hard work of our facilities and maintenance crew. Due to all of the increased need, they have worked diligently to prepare for the return of our staff and […]
The board will have two meetings this month: Tuesday, August 11 – Policy Workshop Aug. 11, 2020 policy meeting agenda Thursday, August 13 – Regular Monthly Meeting August 2020 Board Meeting Agenda The board meeting agenda is subject to change in the next four days. Please check the website sooner to the meeting. There will […]
The following press release was sent today: The Colorado High School Activities Association has announced its 2020-2021 interscholastic athletics and activities calendar, following months of collaboration with Gov. Jared Polis, the CHSAA Resocialization Task Force, the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee, the state’s COVID-19 Response team, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and the […]
Don’t miss your Back to School Issue of Bear Essentials. Click below to view: August 2020
Dolores School District will resume in-person classes on August 31, 2020. For families who do NOT feel comfortable with this option, we are providing remote learning options. Please make sure you have indicated your choice by either calling the district office at 970-882-7255 or email at Please click the link below for details: Learning […]
Please see the link below for a list of procedures and additional information regarding the preschool plans. Preschool Re-opening (1)
There will be a special board meeting in order to discuss/approve the start date of school for this fall and discuss/approve the edited version of the re-entry plan. The Advisory Group met and revised the document based on stakeholder input and newly released guidelines from the Colorado Department of Education and the Colorado Department of […]
Provided below is the link to the options available for our students. Please send an email to address below if you have not already indicated your choices. Learning Options Flier
Elementary School Supplies 20-21 MS/HS Supplies will be based on a student’s schedule. The teachers will post lists when they return after August 12th. The students should come to school with a spiral notebook and a writing utensil on the first day. Teachers will provide a syllabus for each class which will include their supplies. […]
Please click the link below to view the updated FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions in Regard to Re
We did the brave move of getting our re-entry plans out earlier than most districts. We have asked for parent input and feedback and we are asking for more. The Town Hall will be tomorrow evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Aux Gym on campus. Please do not come in person if you are feeling […]