Hi Little Bear Families, Please see this week’s Galloping Goose newsletter. Thank you for another wonderful week! Warm Regards, Lurleen McCormick Dolores Elementary School Principal 970-882-4688 (Office) 970-369-9544 (Cell/Texts) lmccormick@dolores.k12.co.us Galloping Goose newsletter 9-18-2020
Category Archives: Pre 2023 School Year
News prior to 2023-24 school year.
Please continue the great job of checking for symptoms and taking temperatures in the morning. We want to keep our students and staff healthy. Our collective efforts are what it will take to stay in person at school. For reference on when to send your child to school, please click the link below: Symptom Screening […]
Happy Thursday everyone! I wanted to send out a quick reminder about school funding and F/R lunch percentages. I know this year is challenging with the varying meal service models plus the fact the meals are now free. I can only imagine how confusing that must be for families when it comes to filling out […]
Community Update from the Dolores School Board RE4A — 9/1/20 As our students and staff head back to school, the Dolores School Board would like to take this opportunity to provide a master plan building project update. During our August 13, 2020 meeting, the board moved to pause the master plan building project and delay […]
Hi Little Bear Families, Please enjoy this week’s Newsletter linked here: Galloping Goose newsletter 9_11_2020 . Thank you! Warm Regards, Lurleen McCormick Dolores Elementary School Principal 970-882-4688 (Office) 970-369-9544 (Cell/Texts) lmccormick@dolores.k12.co.us
There will be a regular board meeting on Thursday, September 10, at 6:00 p.m. The board will meet in person and will have open seats for the public. There will be limited seating as we honor the social distancing of individuals. Masks are required at the meetings. The meetings will be available virtually as well. […]
You are welcome to attend our Town Hall tonight, September 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the school library. This will be a relaxed and informative time to share the Core Knowledge Sequence of learning. We have implemented this in K-8 and want our stakeholders to know and understand the program. There will be a time […]
Hi Dear Little Bear Families and Friends, We have thoroughly enjoyed our first week of school with our Little Bears in the house! Please see this week’s linked newsletter, The Galloping Goose 9/4/20, or see the attached PDF for more details. Thanks for all your encouragement, trust, and patience! We send our love and hopes […]
Good news! Starting immediately, the state of Colorado has decided that ALL students are now eligible for free breakfast and lunch at school through the end of the calendar year due to Covid -19 hardships. This means that USDA approved meals will be available to any student at NO cost regardless of eligibility status. The […]
You are welcome to attend our Town Hall on September 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the school library. This will be a relaxed and informative time to share the Core Knowledge Sequence of learning. We have implemented this in K-8 and want our stakeholders to know and understand the program. There will be a time […]
You are invited to attend an informal time with a couple of board members. They will be at the Three Chicks Bakery and Deli in Dolores on September 10, Thursday from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. Feel free to stop by and chat with them. They value your thoughts and input. Coffee with board
Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday. Every other Friday the students are off of school. Some of these dates are used for professional development. Monday is Labor Day!
Please click the link below for the monthly Bear Essentials: September 2020b
Welcome back Dolores Middle School and High School Students!
How exciting! We actually start school on Monday for the in-person learners. Some of the online students have already begun and some are soon to begin. Please note the following important pieces of information: Our screener app is not working to the degree we are ready to use it on Monday. We are therefore asking […]
Reminder: Dolores Secondary Will Be Hosting Back to School Parent Meetings Tomorrow Evening 5:00pm – Virtual Meeting – Use the following link to join – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85895071501 6:00pm – In-Person Middle School Parent Meeting – Dolores Cafeteria – Attendees will be expected to wear a mask and maintain social distancing. 7:00pm – In-Person High School Parent […]
Hi Little Bear Families! Please see our linked “Galloping Gooose” weekly newsletter. We are looking forward to meeting many of you tomorrow for our Back to School day if you are symptom free! Please self-screen before attending in person with information below: Do I have a: fever of 100.4 or higher, cough, shortness of breath […]
The board members will be available between 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. on August 28 to meet our parents and students. This will take place outside of the cafeteria and the high school. Please see the link below for more details: Coffee and Cookies
Please see the link below for important orientation information: DHS Orientation Flyer
Please see the attached flier with important information: DMS Orientation Flyer
Elementary School Supplies 20-21 Learning Options Flier Transportation Letter 20200817 August 2020 Please see the following opportunities for family engagement in the start-up process: Wednesday, August 19 – Thursday, August 20 – Preschool Home Visits Monday, August 24 Preschool First Day Middle School Orientation for Students (watch for staggered schedule) 8:30 a.m. – noon Tuesday, […]
Please see the attached update for the supplies needed for secondary students. The schedule for the orientation is also attached. Supply list and schedule
Important Updates: If you are able, we are asking our families to please drive your children to school. This will help us with the requirements on our buses this year. If you have NOT already emailed your need for transportation, please do so today. You may email info@dolores.k12.co.us and respond with: Student Name Grade Entering […]
The Dolores School District board met last night for their regular monthly meeting. Below are highlights from the meeting: The board took a moment to recognize the hard work of our facilities and maintenance crew. Due to all of the increased need, they have worked diligently to prepare for the return of our staff and […]
The board will have two meetings this month: Tuesday, August 11 – Policy Workshop Aug. 11, 2020 policy meeting agenda Thursday, August 13 – Regular Monthly Meeting August 2020 Board Meeting Agenda The board meeting agenda is subject to change in the next four days. Please check the website sooner to the meeting. There will […]