Author Archives:

Construction Committee Openings (deadline: 4/26/24)

Construction Committee Openings Are you interested in helping build the next Home of the Bears? Dolores School District is looking for 3 people to join the Construction Committee to assist in planning and construction of the new school. You will be responsible for important decisions regarding construction on the campus. If you are interested in […]

Dolores Bear Booster Club Needs Your Support

Dolores Bear Booster Club Needs Your Support Dolores Bears Booster Club will be holding our next monthly meeting on Monday, April 1, 2024 in the school library. At this meeting, new officers will be elected for the upcoming school year. This past school year, Dolores Bears Booster Club ● Paid out $5088 in concession profits […]

Dolores School District March Newsletter (updated 3/7/24)

Due to a publication error the Dolores School District’s March Newsletter has been updated. See the attached document for the most current DSD March Newsletter. The Changes Include the Following: – Principal Schmitt’s attendance article now includes a “Frequently Asked Questions” section (see pages 12-14) – Alesa Reed’s PSAT/SAT testing locations have been updated (see […]

March Superintendent’s Blog

Superintendent’s Blog After a year of meetings, surveys, and graphic design work, we have finally finished our Dolores Graduate Profile. Some might ask, “What is a graduate profile?”. A graduate profile is a set of skills the community believes every student should possess when they graduate. These are often not “academic standards”; they are intangible skills […]

Early Access for Kindergarten or First Grade

Early Access for Kindergarten or First Grade House Bill 08-1021 allows Colorado schools to accelerate highly advanced gifted children under age 5 (for kindergarten) and/or under age 6 (for first grade). School districts in the SJBOCES offer early access to kindergarten or first grade in order to support students who may have exceptional aptitude/cognitive reasoning, academics, school […]

Update: Teddy Bear Preschool Infectious Disease (Advisory Cancelled)

Teddy Bear Preschool Infectious Disease Update  February 20, 2024 Yesterday evening the families of Teddy Bear Preschool were advised of a suspected case of Chicken Pox at the school, a public health notice was sent, and the classroom was closed for cleaning as per local and state recommendations. We have received an update and the […]

The Dolores School District Grieves Tragic Loss

January 26th, 2024 Dear Dolores Families: Our hearts are heavy this morning as we share news of an accident that occurred yesterday afternoon involving a Dolores family that resulted in the tragic death of one of our 7th grade students. While traveling to a BMX competition in Phoenix, the Pawlicki Family was involved in an […]

January Superintendent Blog

January Superintendent’s Blog  First and Foremost, I want to start by wishing you Happy Holidays!  Because of publishing deadlines I’m actually writing this blog prior to the holidays but it will come out in January, so with that said, I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday break and resting and recharging for the Spring Semester. […]

December Superintendent Blog – Passing the School Bond

December Superintendent Blog – Passing the School Bond is Great for the Students and the Community Dear Parents, Staff, and Community Members, Thank you so much for overwhelmingly passing the Dolores School Bond!   A special thanks goes out to the Citizens Bond Committee, which worked tirelessly to help educate our community on the true […]

Dolores Elementary Parent Letter (11/30/2023)

Greetings Little Bear Families, We are excited to bring the tradition of the evening Christmas Concert back to Dolores Elementary. The event will begin with the concert followed by a festival, where family members will be able to participate. Each grade level will be hosting a booth that may include a project, activity or information […]

Students at Home Games and Events

Dear Parents – We are writing to you today because we need your assistance. Throughout football and volleyball season and the first part of middle school basketball season we have had a problem with students coming to home games but not actually watching the games. Students are coming to the school, but instead of watching […]

High school and Middle School Athletic/Activities Eligibility Explained

Athletic/Activities Eligibility Explained CHSAA The Colorado High School Activities Association requires schools to track and enforce eligibility for participation in high school athletics and other activities in two ways. The first way applies to high school students ONLY. In order for students to be eligible to participate they have to have successfully completed 2.5 credits […]