How to Make a Payment
You may make a payment to your students' accounts directly at our point of sale with a check or cash or you may make payments through the LINQ Connect website by clicking the button below.
*Disclaimer: The WEBSITE IS ONLY ACTIVE FOR CAFETERIA PAYMENTS. All other school fees must be paid through the district or school offices.
Linq ConnectThe LunchApplication electronic application for free and reduced priced meals for the USDA’s National School Lunch & School Breakfast Programs.
Lunch ApplicationCafeteria Prices
Legislation voted on and approved last fall is going to provide free meals for ALL Dolores students this year and for the foreseeable future. Additional Ala Carte purchases will be offered at additional cost but students are allowed breakfast and lunch at NO cost.
It IS important to collect and process applications for economic statistics to provide additional benefits for the entire district including curriculum, athletics and facilities needs.
Adult Visitor/Staff
- Breakfast - $3.00, Lunch - $5.00
Summer Food
Kids eat free all summer with the Summer Food Service Program, find a summer meal site at Kids Food Finder. Click below:
Kids Food FinderApril Menus
March Menus
Cafeteria Connection
Meal Prices
Free and Reduced Lunch
Every year our families must reapply for free and reduced benefits for the national school lunch program (NSLP) and school breakfast program (SBP).
At the start of every year there is a 30-day grace period where last year's eligibility remains in effect. That grace period has expired for this year and the families who have not reapplied for free or reduced benefits have defaulted to full paid status. If you have applied this year, then a letter was sent to the address supplied on the application notifying you of your status, which is valid through the end of the year although you may reapply if your finances change throughout the year.
Applications are available in both school offices and in the cafeteria if you would like to apply for benefits or you may apply online.
Apply Online