Click below to read the end of year letter for Middles School staff to parents and students: 8th Grade Letter To Families 7th Grade Letter to Families 6th Grade Letter to Families
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Hi Little Bear Families, I hope you are well and enjoy this edition of our Galloping Goose monthly newsletter linked below. May Galloping Goose newsletter Warm Regards, Lurleen McCormick Dolores Elementary School Principal 970-882-4688 (Office) 970-369-9544 (Cell/Texts)
Dolores students and parents, We are aware of the threat that was posted on social media and there is no cause for concern for the safety of our students. The person that posted this threat has been detailed and will be dealt with by both law enforcement and the school district. If you have any […]
Hi Little Bear Families, I hope you are well and enjoy this special, extra edition of our Galloping Goose monthly newsletter linked below. April Extra Edition Galloping Goose newsletter Warm Regards, Lurleen McCormick Dolores Elementary School Principal 970-882-4688 (Office) 970-369-9544 (Cell/Texts)
Hi Little Bear Families, I hope you are well and enjoy this edition of our Galloping Goose monthly newsletter linked below. April Galloping Goose newsletter Warm Regards, Lurleen McCormick Dolores Elementary School Principal 970-882-4688 (Office) 970-369-9544 (Cell/Texts)
Parents, Please click the letter below for important dates and information regarding graduation events: Graduation Letter
The middle school football game scheduled for today is now at 4:30. Please note the change.
Dear Parents and Students – In reviewing the guidelines for PSAT and SAT testing today we discovered that the date we were planning to do our PSAT and SAT testing was off by one day. The College Board requires that we administer the SAT test on April 13th, NOT April 14th. In order to comply […]
Dear Senior Parents and Students – The Onward! Foundation reached out to me today to let me know that they have extended their scholarships deadline to Monday, April 12th at midnight. This includes all scholarships managed by Onward! that Dolores Seniors are eligible for. They would love to see more applicants and would hate to see […]
Happy Spring Break! See the link below for the latest Bear Essentials: April 2021 (1)
Dolores High School football has been reclassified from 11-man to 8-man. This reclassification officially goes into effect for the 2022-2023 school year. The decision to reclassify was based on the following – Enrollment numbers at the high school over the past few years place us at the upper end of the 8-man enrollment cut point. […]
Friday, February 27th, our High School Knowledge Bowl team secured a spot at the state-level competition. Overall they took 3rd in the regionals tournament after losing in a tie breaker; however, they had highest score for this region. State competition is Monday, March 15th and Tuesday, March 16th from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Team […]
The District publication provides important updates and news about the happenings in all areas of the district. Click the link below to read your issue: March 2021 Bear Essentials b
The school board of the Dolores School District met on February 11, 2021. Their meeting highlights are as follows: The superintendent presented her report including the amazing result of 50 students in the welding program now earning dual credit through our program. The district honored one of the bus drivers who is 80 years old […]
The Dolores Board of Directors will hold their monthly meeting tomorrow evening. There will be a 5:30 work session to discuss policies followed by the regular meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m. Due to our county moving to “yellow” on the state dial, we are able to provide a 50% capacity in the board room. There […]
Dolores High School and Middle School student athletes have a busy week this week. Please see below for dates, times, and live streaming instructions. Middle School Girls Volleyball Date – 2/9/2021 Time – 4:00pm Location – Dove Creek Spectators – 1 spectator per athlete Streaming Information – <click here> High School Boys and Girls Basketball Date – 2/9/2021 JV Boys […]
Dolores School District Board of Directors has made it a point this school year to set a variety of dates, times and places to meet with their constituents. The sole purpose of these events is so the board can listen and learn about the communities’ opinions and concerns. There is no agenda and the events […]
Please click the link below to view your edition of the Bear Essentials: February 2021
Due to COVID restrictions, Dolores High School is only able to permit a small number of family members to attend tonight’s basketball games in person. However, in an effort to allow as many people as possible to view the games we will be live streaming them. The link to the live stream will be posted […]
All students will return to full in-person learning tomorrow. There will be no more hybrid schedule. Students who are online may continue in their programs at home. The district will continue to support our online students in anyway possible. School resumes at normal times and will follow the district calendar. The link below is the […]
Due to the accumulation of snow and the delay in road clearing, we have decided to call a snow day. The safety of our staff and students is our priority and the current state of the road conditions and the forecast are determining factors in our decision. School will resume tomorrow, January 20th for the […]
Many have asked if we are having school on Monday. Although we would like to have the instructional time, we have many who are following the calendar which gives Monday off. We will honor the national holiday of Martin Luther King Day and not have school on Monday, January 18. Below is a link to […]
Please note that the board may be in person but there will be no attendees in person. Please see the links below to view the meeting and the agenda for the meeting: Board Agenda Minutes
We are in the process of developing the details of the district calendar for next school year. The staff is providing input and our District Accountability Committee will also offer input. One of the most important aspects of this process is parent input. Please submit your name to the district secretary if you are interested […]
There have been many changes for our high school students. The Governor’s Office and CHSSA have come together to bring decisions to our leagues. Please read the letter attached. Our athletic directors will be happy to answer any further questions. Please click the link below for information on high school extra-curricular activities: CHSSA Season B […]