The Dolores School Board met in a special meeting this evening to approve a plan presented. The plan can be found in the link below as well as an FAQ based on questions already raised: Final Plan based on MCPHD Recommendation (1) FAQ November
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The Dolores School Board met for their regular monthly meeting on November 12, 2020. The meeting was timely for the school board with county health concerns at the forefront of many minds. On November 2, 2020, the school district received a letter from Dr. Kent Aikin representing the Montezuma Public County Health. The letter made […]
Thursday, November 12 at 6:00 p.m., the Dolores School Board will hold their monthly meeting. Due to the timing, they will also have discussion regarding whether or not to move to remote learning between Thanksgiving break and winter break. We invite any citizen’s comments on this agenda item or any other noted in the agenda […]
The second grade will be quarantined due to a positive case in that grade. We are following all safety procedures and are working with the Montezuma Public Health Department as we proceed. Parents will be given specific instructions. Please refer to the letter sent from Superintendent Richard on Friday. Please read the attached letter from […]
Please see the attached letter from our superintendent. Parent Letter November 6
Please enjoy your Thanksgiving Issue of the Bear Essentials: November_2020
As we move into the second nine weeks, we are sure you are aware of the increase in positive COVID-19 cases in Montezuma County over the past few weeks. We have seen more positive cases in the month of October (46) than we saw in the previous two months combined (35). According to the Colorado […]
HOCO Harvest Week Spirit Week 10/26-30th Monday- Flannel Day Tuesday- Class Color day Seniors – Blue Juniors – Maroon Sophomore -Dark Green Freshmen – Yellow 8th – Purple 7th – Orange 6th – Neon Staff- Black Wednesday- Twin Day MS Pep Rally during advisory Thursday-Halloween costume day Must comply with school dress code No Halloween […]
There will be a school board meeting this evening at 6:00 p.m. The board will have a thirty-minute work session prior to the regular meeting which will begin at six o’clock. Masks are required for attendees. Citizen’s comments are a regular part of the meetings. If you are wanting to make a comment, but do […]
Tomorrow is the last day to buys tickets to The Dolores Bears High School Football home opener. Tickets must be purchased in the high school office by 3:00pm on Thursday, 10/8/2020. Tickets will not be sold at the gate. We are limited to 175 tickets so get yours fast. The game against Hotchkiss is scheduled […]
Please click below for your issue of the monthly Bear Essentials: October 2020 Newsletter
Wednesday, October 7th at 5:00 p.m., two Dolores School District board members will be at the Dolores River Brewery for the sole purpose of interacting with the community. Please consider joining Kay Phelps and Clay Tallmadge for a relaxed time to listen to you, our community.
Please continue the great job of checking for symptoms and taking temperatures in the morning. We want to keep our students and staff healthy. Our collective efforts are what it will take to stay in person at school. For reference on when to send your child to school, please click the link below: Symptom Screening […]
Community Update from the Dolores School Board RE4A — 9/1/20 As our students and staff head back to school, the Dolores School Board would like to take this opportunity to provide a master plan building project update. During our August 13, 2020 meeting, the board moved to pause the master plan building project and delay […]
There will be a regular board meeting on Thursday, September 10, at 6:00 p.m. The board will meet in person and will have open seats for the public. There will be limited seating as we honor the social distancing of individuals. Masks are required at the meetings. The meetings will be available virtually as well. […]
You are welcome to attend our Town Hall tonight, September 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the school library. This will be a relaxed and informative time to share the Core Knowledge Sequence of learning. We have implemented this in K-8 and want our stakeholders to know and understand the program. There will be a time […]
You are welcome to attend our Town Hall on September 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the school library. This will be a relaxed and informative time to share the Core Knowledge Sequence of learning. We have implemented this in K-8 and want our stakeholders to know and understand the program. There will be a time […]
You are invited to attend an informal time with a couple of board members. They will be at the Three Chicks Bakery and Deli in Dolores on September 10, Thursday from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. Feel free to stop by and chat with them. They value your thoughts and input. Coffee with board
Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday. Every other Friday the students are off of school. Some of these dates are used for professional development. Monday is Labor Day!
Please click the link below for the monthly Bear Essentials: September 2020b
How exciting! We actually start school on Monday for the in-person learners. Some of the online students have already begun and some are soon to begin. Please note the following important pieces of information: Our screener app is not working to the degree we are ready to use it on Monday. We are therefore asking […]
Reminder: Dolores Secondary Will Be Hosting Back to School Parent Meetings Tomorrow Evening 5:00pm – Virtual Meeting – Use the following link to join – 6:00pm – In-Person Middle School Parent Meeting – Dolores Cafeteria – Attendees will be expected to wear a mask and maintain social distancing. 7:00pm – In-Person High School Parent […]
Hi Little Bear Families! Please see our linked “Galloping Gooose” weekly newsletter. We are looking forward to meeting many of you tomorrow for our Back to School day if you are symptom free! Please self-screen before attending in person with information below: Do I have a: fever of 100.4 or higher, cough, shortness of breath […]
The board members will be available between 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. on August 28 to meet our parents and students. This will take place outside of the cafeteria and the high school. Please see the link below for more details: Coffee and Cookies
Please see the link below for important orientation information: DHS Orientation Flyer